Huggyfuzz Fun For You…

I made this super fuzzy, super huggy peach! Woogly hands, woogly feet! (If you’re curious, yes, this big gal is in the shop!) And she’s so fun I decided she needed her own coloring sheet – Download below and enjoy this silliness…


Just a little round up of some recent donkeys – they’re so smooshy and shaggy and I get why they are well-loved! To be honest, when I make these my sewing room turns into a huuuge mess and the fluff is everywhere, so I have to take a little break from them and get out the vacuum. I’m sure they’ll be back…

A Harry Potter Collection…

Oh, this was so fun.

It started with Harry and Ron, and moved on to Li’l Hagrid, Hermione, and Luna…and I do have the perfect little glasses for a Dumbledore, so we’ll see what happens next!

Before this, I’d honestly never really considered character dolls – but it was such a good challenge, seeing how closely I could replicate their outfits and tiny details in my own style. They ended up being some of my favorite dolls I’ve ever made.

Cheers, HP fans 🙂

A Leprechaun For You!

It’s the week before St. Patrick’s Day and I thought I would give you a fun way to celebrate! This is the only holiday when I see my name (Erin) on anything, so it was always a favorite of mine. I also have a real love for articulated paper dolls, when all the joints hinge and you’re able to pose them – so here’s the result! It definitely won’t be the last one I make, I was having so much fun …

You can download this doll using the link above, print at home (or at a local print shop) on cardstock, cut out the individual pieces, and either use brads to make joints, or glue the pieces together.

I loved making this guy for you, enjoy!!

For Valentine’s Day…

I did it, I made Valentines.

You see, this is kind of a big deal for me, because as much as I like to draw (yes I drew these!), I had absolutely no grasp of digitizing artwork, file types, color profiles, blah blah, until very recently. But I really wanted to make this happen, so I pushed on. I took classes, I looked up tutorials. I knew that this could very possibly open up a lot of different ways to share my artwork…and I think that’s probably true (ideeeeaaaasss!)

So anyway! I love gnomes and I love dogs, so I created a set of each as printable Valentines. These are available in my shop, and also in my re-opened Etsy shop (I know some people just prefer to buy through Etsy). I hope you print out a hundred of these and gift them to everyone you know!

Also, I have finally added my greeting cards to my shop (there is now a section for cards and printables in the menu at the top). I didn’t create any of these specifically for Valentine’s Day, I just like to think it’s nice to tell people you like them all year 🙂

My illustrations are vintage inspired, full of happy things, and use only my favorite colors. I am sharing more of this work on a separate Instagram account @Penelope_nutmeg – this is where I want to continue sharing all my drawings, and the ones I end up turning into a product will make their way into the Boolah Baguette shop.

Thanks for checking out all my new goodies!

xo -Erin

2020 Roundup

If I didn’t have photos to prove that I made things earlier this year, I’m not sure I would believe it. Like everyone else, I spent a lot of time panic baking, walking my dog, and sleeping in. I was grateful that, when my day job in the events industry was put on hold for many months, I already had this work-from-home business to go to. That said, the work was filled with distractions and children and creative blocks.

The year ended on a different note – I was flooded with custom doll requests and orders for little gnome babies (I ended up making almost 250 of those little guys between October and December!). I took no days off and worked all day (break for tea) and into the nights. It wasn’t sustainable, but you know, the busyness of it was equal parts crazy-making and wonderful. It gave me something to focus on and a good reason to stay home.

The work of making one of a kind dolls is slow going. I have a lot of ideas, but dolls still take hours to make, and I only have so many of those everyday. I’m looking for ways to be able to offer more selection without burning out. Get ideas out of my head more quickly so new ones can roll in. Wish me luck.

Thank you for loving creativity and making things and dolls. Here’s to 2021…

Custom Dolls

After a big idea, a long wait, and then a lot of work, I have come up with a new process for creating custom dolls. I am hoping this will be both fun for the customer/creator, and also that it will push me as a maker as I bring your idea to life.

gummy (20)

These are some of the examples of the printable coloring sheets that you can use to design your doll. I am hoping that it will help sort out your ideas and get an initial visual of what your doll will look like. Color and design these on your own, or let your child design one. Print them all and choose your favorite! However you go about it, I hope this is fun for you!

My daughter colored the unicorn and clothing above, and this is how her doll turned out!

gummy (21)

All the information about custom dolls, including animal and size options, clothing, and pricing, is now located here, on my Custom Dolls page. Listings to purchase your doll are here, in my shop.

Any questions? email me at


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Frosty Selfies


Last week, on a whim, I made a quick drawing of myself in my winter gear (that’s me in the top photo, bottom right corner with the pink toque), then on another whim I put it out on Instagram for people to send me pictures of themselves in this frosty winter weather.  I promised to draw them and send it in the mail. Just for fun. I thought I would do maybe 10 drawings – but the photos just kept coming and they were so good! Eventually I had to cut it off and spent a few days making these portraits. Even by making these twenty-some drawings I could feel myself getting quicker and looser with the process. That was fun, let’s do it again sometime…


Custom Pet Portraits


I have so enjoyed creating these custom pet portraits for you! It’s a fun challenge to incorporate your ideas for clothing and get just the right look for these pets. The portraits are made on 5×7 watercolor paper, using pencil, pencil crayon, pen, and acrylic paint. All the details can be found in my shop here. Thanks! Love your pets 🙂

The 100 Day Project (The Last 50)

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I am more than a bit behind on following up with my 100 Day Project, since it ended in July, but let’s pretend that’s not so far in the past. After finishing my first 50 days of animals, I needed a bit of a change. At first I thought I would do 50 more birds, since a painting filled with birds has been an image stuck in my head for a while now. I thought, I’ll paint 50 birds that I see in my yard (nope, even though we do have a ton of birds that visit in the summer), then maybe 50 birds in Saskatchewan (nope). I finally decided on 50 things that I could find in my yard, and this was fun because it was Spring when I started and things in our yard were constantly changing and growing and all the wildlife was coming back out (and yes, we do have a resident backyard squirrel and many wild jackrabbits that scoot around the neighborhood). Each day I would go on a bit of a hunt for what to include – at first this was easy with loads to choose from, and sometimes I would take a cutting of a plant to paint, and sometimes I would take a photo and work from that. My husband surprised me one day with a photo of that robin’s nest with the brilliant blue eggs that had been secretly built in the back corner of our little pergola. After the rain the mushrooms came out, the stawberries appeared, and plants flowered at different times. Near the end though, I really had to get creative, which is why that tiny little gnome (the only not-found-in-nature item) was my last addition.

Maybe this is obvious already, but I did not plan out in advance where to place each drawing – I just started with the blue jay and filled in spaces from there. Had I done the drawings individually and had the ability to digitally move them around or change their sizes later, I might have changed up a few things, but in the end it’s part of the charm for me.

This way of working, of adding everyday to one bigger project may have been more satisfying than making individual drawings – I could constantly see the progress, and everyday my kids would come home from school and try to figure out what the newest addition had been. In the end, I love this piece because it’s so specific to our yard, as it is now. It made me look close, see what was happening in the sky and on the ground and I got to know those seasons better. Also, because it ended up being kind of personal, I always intended just to keep it and there was no expectation that this would become something for sale. That was nice.

I loved this project. I made a ton of drawing/paintings and remembered why I love that process (it makes my mind more still and focused, which is a magical thing for this spinning top that I have in my head, constantly). Again, I didn’t feel the need to share about it overly in order to keep motivated – as the giant page filled up, it created its own momentum. In short, if you’re thinking about doing the 100 Day Project – do it. Keep it simple and within a very short time period every day. Keep going, because whatever you make, the end is going to be kind of amazing.